Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A hike in my own back yard

I also got some Halloween decorations up!

Do you ever just get a little overwhelmed with life?  Not in a bad way, but you feel there is just no time to enjoy the colors of the trees, the smell in the air, the breeze in your face? Instead you are thinking about, "what is for dinner, I need to do laundry, do the dishes, etc..."  Today, I decided I just needed to clear my head, so I did! It was soooo nice out.  Chris has been clearing trails around our property, so I decided this evening would be a good time to take a "hike in my own back yard" and bring my camera along to play around with the settings!!  Little Bobby, our pup, was of course the subject of most photos! It was wonderful to get away for 45 minutes to think about nothing!  It was perfect...well, except for the dog poop I stepped in!  I guess I really was thinking about nothing....haha!  My head is now cleared and now I am thinking straight! God has blessed me with so much, and I am just lucky that I have dishes that need cleaned, or food to fix dinner with!

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