Friday, November 14, 2008

Am I a grown up now?

Okay, so it is 10pm on a Friday evening. I just woke up. I left the husband in bed (sound asleep). I know, you are thinking, you woke up? Yes, this time change has us so messed up in this household. We go to be at 8pm and wake up at 4:30am? Seriously, what is our deal. Last night Chris's mother called at 9pm and woke us up! THe conversation went something like this. Me: "Oh no, we are up, we were just resting before bed."

I have been thinking a lot this week about this blog, and what I want to become of it. Do I just want it business, or do I want to share my life with whomever will read it? Then, this afternoon on my drive home, I realized something. My business is me. It is a big part of who I am and who I want to become. I want to be true to my clients and I want them to understand who I am, as I want to understand who they are. In the future posts, I will not only be blogging photos and clients, but I will be adding in a little of who I am as well!

Well, I do believe that it is time for me to join my husband, turn on the TV (for background noise), and go to bed! To think, last year this time Chris and I were building our house that we now live in. I will blog more on it next week (our 1 year in the house will be Nov. 21st!) Good night all!

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